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 les canadiens de mtl

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michel bergeron
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michel bergeron

Nombre de messages : 70
Age : 50
Votre joueur préféré : stamkos
Date d'inscription : 19/03/2011

les canadiens de mtl Empty
MessageSujet: les canadiens de mtl   les canadiens de mtl Icon_minitimeDim 20 Mar 2011 - 20:16

Name Po Tea Ag Salary Ctr SH PL ST CH PO HI SK EN PE FA LE St OF DF OA
----------------------- -- --- -- --------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Brian Gionta R 32 5000000 4 82 77 76 71 72 65 88 85 72 68 78 75 78 69 77
David Perron R 22 2150000* 2 76 77 78 70 73 66 76 74 59 68 55 76 77 69 72
Ryan White R 22 450000 4 63 64 62 69 65 69 67 73 38 64 58 76 63 67 67

Lars Eller C 21 875000* 2 67 71 71 66 69 57 69 76 73 60 55 78 69 64 70
Jason Spezza C 27 7000000 5 78 85 86 70 72 64 84 77 69 78 65 74 83 68 77
Jeff Halpern C 34 600000 1 65 67 68 74 75 72 73 78 66 75 74 74 66 73 73
Scott Gomez C 31 7357143 4 64 91 79 72 73 66 88 80 50 76 65 79 78 70 75

James Van Riemsdyk L 21 875000* 2 72 72 75 66 68 66 76 74 68 67 57 74 73 66 72
Eric Fehr L 25 2200000* 2 76 72 71 70 68 68 74 74 65 64 59 77 73 68 72
Gilbert Brulé L 24 1850000 2 75 74 72 65 68 60 72 69 61 68 60 69 73 64 70
Travis Moen L 28 1500000 2 59 56 51 76 75 75 68 80 55 62 65 82 55 75 69
Philippe Lefebvre L RFA 19 522778 0 C- C- C- C- D D C- D C C- D D C- D C-
Milan Lucic L 22 4083333 3 77 75 74 75 75 79 75 84 37 59 64 84 75 76 75

Andrei Markov D 32 6500000 6 74 84 82 83 86 75 83 78 69 61 75 78 80 81 79
Roman Hamrlik D 36 5500000 1 64 74 73 76 78 75 72 82 54 54 74 79 70 76 75
Josh Gorges D 26 4000000 7 55 61 57 80 82 76 74 79 72 59 74 76 57 79 73
Brett Clark D 34 1500000 2 64 69 69 74 75 67 75 79 69 51 64 73 67 72 71
Jaroslav Spacek D 36 3833333 2 64 69 69 68 69 65 70 75 51 46 70 73 67 67 70
Thomas Hickey D 22 787500* 2 62 64 59 74 74 67 71 72 72 44 58 69 61 71 69
Mac Bennett D RFA 19 300000 0 D C- C- C- C- C- C- C- C D- D C- D C- C-

Alex Auld G 30 1000000 1 73 73 71 74 69 76 74 81 82 68 54 73 72 73 73
Carey Price G 23 2750000 2 86 85 86 87 85 86 87 86 75 85 62 85 85 86 82
Karri Rämö G RFA 24 658333 0 C C C C C- C C C C C C- C C C C

The team is trying to secure a competitive team to make the playoffs on a regular basis.
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Brian Gionta 78 69 77 32 5000000 4
David Perron 77 69 72 22 2150000 2
J.T. Wyman 67 64 68 24 550000 1
Ryan White 63 67 67 22 450000 4
Ian Schultz 52 67 66 21 845833 3
Aaron Palushaj 60 57 62 21 883333 2
Andreas Engqvist 59 56 62 23 900000 2
Dario Bürgler 49 44 55 23 345000 1
Dustin Gazley 57 40 54 22 325000 1
They are looking for a 1st line right wing
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Jason Spezza 83 68 77 27 7000000 5
Scott Gomez 78 70 75 31 7357143 4
Jeff Halpern 66 73 73 34 1500000 3
Lars Eller 69 64 70 21 875000 2
Dustin Boyd 63 67 69 24 650000 1
David Desharnais 67 60 67 24 650000 4
Rod Pelley 63 69 67 26 550000 2
Gabriel Dumont 65 56 65 20 571667 3
Ben Maxwell 63 58 65 22 850000 1
Olivier Fortier 55 58 61 21 875000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Milan Lucic 75 76 75 22 4083333 3
James Van Riemsdyk 73 66 72 21 875000 2
Eric Fehr 73 68 72 25 2200000 2
Tom Pyatt 63 69 70 24 500000 1
Gilbert Brulé 73 64 70 24 1850000 2
Travis Moen 55 75 69 28 1500000 2
Max Pacioretty 64 60 66 21 550000 4
Dany Massé 54 47 62 22 531667 2
Hunter Bishop 59 59 62 23 900000 3
Andrew Conboy 58 54 60 22 550000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Andrei Markov 80 81 79 32 6500000 6
Roman Hamrlik 70 76 75 36 5500000 1
Josh Gorges 58 79 73 26 4000000 7
Brett Clark 67 72 71 34 1500000 2
Jaroslav Spacek 67 67 70 37 3833333 2
Thomas Hickey 61 71 69 22 787500 2
Jay McKee 43 78 68 33 2000000 1
Alexandre Picard 58 70 68 25 600000 1
Brett Festerling 42 69 62 24 525000 1
Mathieu Carle 46 64 62 23 360000 3
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Carey Price 85 86 82 23 2750000 2
Alex Auld 72 73 73 30 1000000 1
Karri Rämö C C C 24 658333 0
Peter Delmas 58 57 62 20 450000 3
Curtis Sanford 57 55 59 31 550000 1
Robert Mayer 53 56 56 21 530000 3
They are happy with their situation at this position
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